Rubrics for Final Project Parts

Presentation 20 points


      5 pts - Consistency in participation, every group member contributes something substantial

      5 pts - Organization and preparedness, presentation does not go over 7 mins

      10 pts - Clarity and relevance of message


Peer Review 10 points

Refer to the final project instructions document for the details of this component of your project grade.


Final Report 35 points

Each of the following components of your final report will be assessed according to a seven point scale.

      Consistency: Did you clearly answer the question of interest? 

      Clarity: Can the audience easily understand your analysis process and any sort of conclusions/arguments you make? 

      Relevance: Did you use the appropriate statistical techniques to address your question? Was your analysis thorough?

      Interest: Did you attempt to answer a challenging and interesting question rather than just calculating a lot of descriptive statistics and simple linear regression models?

      Organization: Is your write up and presentation organized in a way that is neat and clear for the audience to understand?


Refer to the final project instructions document for further details regarding the general grading scheme for the final report.