

Upload your project poster as a PDF file or as a presentation file here. You poster must be a standard 36x48 inches when printed out. In addition, your poster should satisfy the following requirements

      at least 2 images or figures are displayed;

      at least 2 references are cited somewhere in the poster and works cited included at the bottom of your poster;

      all font (besides the works cited) must be at least 24pt.

You may use/adapt any of these free poster presentation templates for your final poster. Posters can be printed in the Beardsly Media Center (Beardsley 114) by following these instructions. If you are creating your poster in PowerPoint, these instructions will help you make sure the size is correct.


Make sure all members of your group read this short paper summarizing creating and presenting an academic poster. You may also find this guide to creating a quality research poster useful.



Poster Examples






Academic publishing




Read this article called How to Make and Academic Poster and this NYU libraries article on How to Create a Research Poster.


All posters will be digital pdf files that are projected on the screen during your group's presentation. You may use/adapt any of these free poster presentation templates for your final poster or you may create your own.


Your poster is a visual representation of the main messages from your analysis. The writing on your poster is meant to supplement the images and figures. A poster is NOT just a smaller version of your written report. As such, your poster should be visually attractive and readable and must include


      A catchy title;

      Names of each group member;

      The date;

      Font (besides the works cited) no smaller than 24pt;

      A descriptive summary of your data;

      At least 3 images or figures;

      Key ideas and main take-aways.





Poster grades will be based of of low, medium, and high scores in the following categories:


      Technical specifications - 5 points

      Relevance of material - 5 points

      Creativity - 5 points

      Attractiveness - 5 points

      Readability - 5 points