1. Complete Week 10 worksheet

We are going to spend the majority of class today finishing up the worksheet on confidence intervals from last week. Please find your group mates and move your stuff to sit together for the remainder of class. We will quickly go over Problem 1 once more as a class. Then you will have \(10\) minutes to complete Problems 2 and 3 with your group mates.

After this, we’ll go over Problem 4 together as a class and then you’ll have another \(7\) minutes to finish Problem 5 with your group. If your group finishes early, please move on to the Bonus Problem.

2. Introduce hypothesis tests

There is a new reference sheet for hypothesis tests uploaded on Moodle. Please take a look over this document as you read along with the assigned chapters for this week.

\[H_0: \text{null hypothesis} \quad H_A: \text{alternative hypothesis}\] * \(H_0\) specifies the entire sampling distribution of our sample estimate! There are different types of \(H_A\).

3. Announcements